Samply integration
The best way to share audio

Samply integration
Bounce from Pro Tools to Samply with a single click.
Import Samply comments directly into your Pro Tools timeline as markers.
The Samply integration for SoundFlow enables you to quickly upload files to Samply directly from Pro Tools or by selecting a file in Finder.
After feedback is gathered with Samply, comments can be imported back into the Notes app or Pro Tools as markers synced to the session. This allows for efficient revision cycles and more music making it across the finish line than ever before.
Watch this video to see it in action:

Import to Pro Tools Memory Locations
Import comments from Samply as Pro Tools memory locations in sync with your mix for quickly navigating revisions.
Customizable Presets
Customize the Media Uploader and Marker Importer commands for simple roundtrip workflows.

Notes App Integration
Import, edit, organize, assign, filter, and discuss notes from the Notes App collaboratively.
Email Links Automatically
Automatically send Samply links to clients and collaborators.

The Samply Integration with SoundFlow requires...
- An active SoundFlow Cloud Pro subscription.
- SoundFlow 5.8
- The Notes App from SoundFlow
- A Samply Account