One app for all your notes

One app for all your notes

Real-time Collaboration between picture & sound departments. DAW-to-Cloud Uploads. Convert Comments to Markers. Transcribe Audio. And so much more.

Read more about the new Notes app from SoundFlow

Samply integration

Bounce from Pro Tools to Samply with a single click, and import Samply comments directly into your Pro Tools timeline

Read more about the Samply integration
Samply integration integration integration

Bounce from Pro Tools to with a single click, and import comments directly into your Pro Tools timeline

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Media Composer Integration

Elevate your editing experience with SoundFlow's official Avid Media Composer package! The package offers a collection of over 290 pre-made commands designed to optimize your workflow. Additionally, enjoy the convenience of a prebuilt 5x3 deck featuring 30+ sub-decks all with custom-designed icons.

Media Composer Integration
SoundFlow 5.8 Overview

SoundFlow 5.8 Overview

SoundFlow has introduced a plethora of new features to its popular workflow automation platform including numerous AI features, a first-of-its-kind Notes app, integrations with Media Composer, Samply,, OBS, and much more.

Read the article from Production Expert

Join the revolution

SoundFlow is the new standard for creative professionals.