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Have SoundFlow do the boring work for you

SoundFlow 5.8 Released

Real-time Collaboration Platform. Media Composer, Samply, Frame.io, OBS, Gmail Integrations. Audio Transcription. Local, Scriptable LLM. Voice Commands. And much more.

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SoundFlow 5.8 Released
Logic Pro Integration Released

Logic Pro Integration Released

SoundFlow 5.6 adds 1,400+ commands and beautifully designed icons to control all areas of Logic Pro.

Sibelius Integration Released

SoundFlow 5.7 adds 900+ commands to control all areas of Sibelius.

Sibelius Integration Released
Sonoma Support

Sonoma Support

SoundFlow 5.7 adds support for Sonoma 14.3 along with Pro Tools 2024.3.

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Trusted by the industry

  • Starz
  • NBC Universal
  • Audible
  • Spotify
  • Apple
  • PlayStation Studios
  • Sony Pictures Entertainment
  • WB Studios
  • New York Times
  • Nordisk Film

Automate your work with easy macros

Macro actions make it fun and easy to build your own automated workflows with drag and drop.

Automate your work with easy macros
Rely less on mouse clicking

Rely less on mouse clicking

Make being creative more fun

Make being creative more fun

SoundFlow Cloud Avid Edition

SoundFlow has partnered with Avid to bring a free edition of SoundFlow to many users of Pro Tools.

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SoundFlow Cloud Avid Edition
Set up your own shortcuts for Pro Tools

Set up your own shortcuts for Pro Tools

Finally, it's possible to make custom shortcuts for Pro Tools. Well, not just that – for any macOS app. With SoundFlow, your shortcuts, decks, surfaces and other content get stored in your cloud account so they're always with you.

Join the revolution

SoundFlow is the new standard for creative professionals. A world class workflow platform for the 21st century. Get more time to be creative.

Focus on what you do best: Create

Focus on what you do best: Create

Deep integration with Pro Tools

Deep integration with Pro Tools

Check out our store

Access thousands of free macros, decks and scripts

Check out our store
Design your own Decks

Design your own Decks

Get hands on control with a Stream Deck

Get hands on control with a Stream Deck

Here's what our customers say

    • I can't imagine working without SoundFlow anymore. Every single time I come up against a repetitive workflow that gets in the way of being creative I write a script to do it for me. I must be triggering scripts hundreds of times a day. Every aspect of my work that used to be a drag is now a joy!

      Andrew Scheps
      Music Producer, Mixing Engineer, and record label owner.
      Andrew Scheps
    • I spent a solid 48 hours just learning and creating SoundFlow decks when I first downloaded the software. I am BLOWN AWAY by not only the ease of creating my own customized solutions but also by the amazing existing macros, decks etc. that are available. Not to mention your own company's incredible responsiveness and the community support. Please never change. SoundFlow has become an integral part of my workflow and I can't wait to become more involved with the community and share my own solutions with everyone along the way. Thank you for creating this ingenious tool. 10 stars out of 5.

      Gavin Whelehan
      Composer, Sound Designer, Recording/Mixing Engineer
      Gavin Whelehan
    • SoundFlow saves me one or two work days per mix project and allows me to focus more on the creative side of mixing with enough time left over to be more engaged with clients - and more importantly - friends, and family.

      Chris Shaw
      Music Producer, Mixing Engineer, Audio Engineer, and Musician
      Chris Shaw
    • SoundFlow has completely revolutionized my workflow. Using 3 Stream Decks, an Amazon Fire, an X-Keys, SoundFlow Surfaces on my 2nd monitor, and numerous commands triggered from my keyboard I have completely customized my work environment to be optimized for the specific work I do, personalized for my workflow. It easily saves me hours of time each day and allows me to focus on creativity, not technology. I'm able to put out higher quality work and, as an added bonus, I never have pain from repetitive motion any more! It's an absolutely indispensable tool, not just for Pro Tools, but for the whole Mac ecosystem.

      Steve Bissinger
      Sound Editor, Sound Designer
      Steve Bissinger

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