Check out Chris Shaw's SoundFlow packages

Track Data Utilities
by Chris Shaw
A set of scripts and a deck for Pro Tools to copy inserts, sends and other data from one track to others as well as some handy mono to stereo / stereo to mono track conversions. There's also scripts for removing all Plug-ins and/or Sends, and Cycling Plugin and Send windows.
V2.0.79 - bug fixes for DUal Mono to Stereo and Stereo tracks to Single Mono
V 2.0.75 - Bug fixes and preemptive updates for next version of PT
V 2.0.71 - Now supports different locations for PT "Settings... > Operation > Documentation and Settings"

Insert & Send Cycle / Toggle / Bypass
by Chris Shaw
A collection of scripts for cycling through the inserts (plugins) and Sends of a selected track.
Includes both a Stream Deck and Surface.
1.0.8 Update: You can now set or toggle the active/inactive state of all pluins or sends on all selected tracks.
When toggling the script will toggle according to the state of the first insert on the first selected track

Insert Plugin On Next Free Slot (Intelligent)
by Chris Shaw
A script that will insert a plugin (multichannel or multi-mono) on any size track / insert channel width in the first available slot.
Can be used across mutltiple tracks with different channel widths.
No need to specify the plugin channel width, the script handles that for you.

Mix Window Compatibilty Helper Script
by Chris Shaw
This script will help make your scripts more compatible with the Mix window by switching from the Mix window to the Edit window and back again.

Get X/Y Coordinates, Window, and Mouse Info
by Chris Shaw
To help with "Click Relative to UI" actions, this script will display the X/Y coordinates of the current mouse position relative to the active window and other usesful info. The results can be copied directly from the dialog box or saved to the log.

CS Control
by Chris Shaw
Control AAX •and• Audio Suite(!) plug-ins with any standard continuous / relative MIDI controller.
14 day free trial
It works by converting MIDI CC increment/decrement messages to mouse scroll wheel events.
Knob response can be changed in real time by holding keyboard modifiers and plugin mappings can be dynamically displayed as an overlay on the plugin interface in a separate window.

Location Marker Utilities
by Chris Shaw
A script that wil renumber your Markers chronologically from left to right.
Once renumbered they will be set to Bar|Beat. The script will then ask you if you'd like to convert them to Absolute.
There are now separate scripts for converting from Bar|Beat to Absolute and vice versa!

Track Phase/Polarity Flip
by Chris Shaw
UPDATE!(1.0.57) - Much faster now as it doesn't need to close / reopen the track list.
This script will invert the phase of a track by selecting all clips on the track and flip their polarity via clip FX.
Works with multiple tracks.
Use it once then A/B via undo/redo
Requires Pro Tools Ultimate.
Please read the documentation - it's short.

MIDI Fighter Twister Bank Selector
by Chris Shaw
Switch the banks on your MIDI Fighter Twister from your keyboard or stream deck instead of the Twister's side buttons.

Route MIDI To Open Plugin
by Chris Shaw
Control MIDI enabled plugins by routing the output of an Instrument track to an open plugin window.
Create a dedicated Instrument track for plugin control, set the input to your MIDI controller and this script will route the controller to the open plugin.
This is for MIDI enabled plugins only such as theFabFilter Pro-Q 3.
REQUIRES Pro Tools 2024.10 and above