Offline Options & Proxy

Online use

Generally, SoundFlow's cloud subscriptions require an active internet connection.

See more in our System Requirements.

Offline or semi-offline options

SoundFlow doesn't have an always-offline single-user mode at the moment. But we have a number of solutions for users who need to work offline due to security requirements or otherwise - namely, the SoundFlow read-only offline mode, our SoundFlow Cloud Proxy product and the SoundFlow Facility product.

Read-only offline mode

The read-only mode works as follows. You need to be online to log in, so for example in the morning, you go online for a few minutes to connect to SoundFlow. Then you can go offline and stay offline, and SoundFlow will work in offline read-only mode. In this mode, you can use all your macros, decks and surfaces, but you can't make any changes to your shortcuts.

This mode typically works for most of our freelance users.

You don't need to do any custom setup of SoundFlow for this to work - this mode is included in your subscription. We do however recommend you to thoroughly test if this works on your particular networking setup.

SoundFlow Cloud Proxy – connecting securely from behind firewalls or VPNs

The SoundFlow Cloud Proxy is the primary solution that is today used by some of the largest studios in the world to facilitate connection through firewalls and/or VPNs. It works by routing all of SoundFlow's traffic through a single, fully managed proxy server running in the cloud that SoundFlow maintains. This way, firewalls or VPNs only have to whitelist a single IP address and port to allow SoundFlow full functionality.

The Proxy solution is our recommended option for all facilities working on secure TPN/MPAA content and who are looking for the easiest & cheapest solution to install, service and maintain connectivity for SoundFlow users.

The Proxy solution is $499/year for the entire facility. Its sole purpose is facilitating the connection of existing SoundFlow accounts (personal or business accounts) through the firewall/VPN – it doesn't itself carry a license/account through which you can use SoundFlow.

If you are a facility with staff that needs access to SoundFlow, and you're working from behind a firewall, you'd typically get the SoundFlow Cloud Proxy to facilitate the firewall connection, in addition to a number of seats on SoundFlow Cloud Business.

If you are a facility where mostly freelancers come by, then you'd typically get the SoundFlow Cloud Proxy solution to facilitate the firewall connection, and then let your freelancers come by and log in with their personal SoundFlow Cloud Pro accounts.

SoundFlow Facility

We also offer a Facility version for facilities that are entirely and physically airgapped. This is a much more expensive solution that needs to be installed and purchased by the facility, and is typically only installed by facilities with internal IT departments and a high number of employed sound editors, as this doesn't work as well for freelancers or small companies.

We highly recommend to only consider the Facility edition as a last resort, as we can ensure a better customer experience for a lower price through our Proxy and Business products.

Managing Your Subscription