Mitch's Color Palette Preference Manager
by Mitch Willard
Store and Recall your Colour Palette settings!!

Mitch's Commit Hardware Insert for Selected Tracks
by Mitch Willard
Here is a handy Script for the same Hardware Insert you would like to "Commit Up to This Insert..." on multiple tracks, for Mono and Stereo tracks simultaneously.

Mitch's Group Functions
by Mitch Willard
This is package to help with controlling groups within your session. From Creating Groups, Adding Tracks to an Existing Group, Toggle Groups Active State, Select all Tracks within a group, Delete Groups in Bulk.

Mitch's PT Prefs 2 Manager
by Mitch Willard
This is for use with the software made by Pete Gates, to easily Trash, Restore, and Backup all your Pro Tools Preferences.

by Mitch Willard
WAVES TUNE HELPER is basically a rip off of Andrew Scheps Melodyne Helper, but for WAVES TUNE

Mitch's Commit/Freeze From Selected Insert
by Mitch Willard
Select the individual inserts from each of your selected tracks to either Commit or Freeze.

Mitch's Mac Keyboard Shortcuts Manager
by Mitch Willard
1. Save/Recall You Personal Mac Keyboard Shortcuts in System Settings
2. Set and Enable/Disable All Keyboard Shortcuts that conflict with Pro Tools in System Settings

Mitch's Search Clip and Paste to Timeline
by Mitch Willard
Search your Clip List for any Clip that matches the track Type and paste to your current Timeline Selection.