by rien personne
by Steve Neal

Barry Weir iZotope RX 10 Kit
by Barry Weir Jr
Short Cuts and Macros for iZotope RX 10

Barry Weir iZotope RX 8 Standalone Editor Kit
by Barry Weir Jr
Macros for iZotope RX 8 Standalone Audio Editor

Barry Weir iZotope RX 9 Kit
by Barry Weir Jr
Short Cuts and Macros for iZotope RX 9

bl : : Dialog Editing
by Benjamin Lecuyer
Additional module to 'Film Mixing Remap' layout.
Dialogue Editing E.C.
by Etienne Carton
Package of commands that I find useful for my Dialogue Editing workflow. Many commands inspired by other users package
Dominic's DX Editing Template
by Dominic Castro
My dialogue editing surface template. Move clips to dx, pfx, futz, work tracks, etc. send selection to iZotope standalone - adjust spectral repair settings, process, spot and render back in PT.

DX Edit_RX 8
by Travis Handley
Macros, Scripts and Dynamic Decks using Audiosuite RX 8, Brusfri, Absentia DX.
DX Edit Toolkit - with RX 9
by Chris Bills
This is a DX Toolkit Deck:
--Opens audiosuite plugins for dialog related plugins
--Combines RX Editor functions from the "Dialog Editing Izotope" Deck.
--Inlcudes a Fades Folder with common fade functions to easily switch betwen fade type
You can edit/add to this deck to customize to your needs.

Save your time while you're mixing by Pro Tools.

GDH Flow
by GDH Music
-work in progress-

Goodbye RX Connect :P
by Yujiro Yonetsu
Gugges Package
by Gugge
Selecting tracks by name or channelnumber, Autoalign,send/return Rx7, DeRustle, DeClick

iZotope RX - CoreAudio / RX Monitor driver swap
by Ru Lemer
Works in iZotope RX 10 - if using a different version of RX just change the app name in the scripts
Rudimental macros based on mouse click position

iZotope RX Modules Multitool
by Antoine François
Adds a layer of action when using modifier keys enabling you to fully control Rx's modules.
Actions are customizable
Kitch Membery - iZotope RX 7 Scripts
by Kitch Membery
These scripts were made with SoundFlow 3.4 for various tasks using iZotope RX 7.0.1

Modular Mix Prep
by Dana Nielsen
The Modular Mix Prep package keeps me fast, focused, and organized when formatting client sessions for my mixing workflow.

Nick's RX
by Nick Leyers
A tool for controlling iZotope RX with decks
PNAS RX Spectral Repair
by Philip N
RX9 Spectral Repair Macros for Stream Deck XL.

by Michele Baroni
Pacchetto base POP studio, contente un deck per PT e uno per RX
Ron Eng Auto Align & RX
by Ron Eng
Ron Eng Custom Package
by Ron Eng
Editorial, RX, and Mixing commands customized to my workflow
by Damien Boitel

RX 8 Module Chain Roundtrip
by Owen Granich-Young
This is a Round Trip Template for the Module Chain in RX 8. It will send selected Audio File to RX 8 run the preset selected for Module Chain, send back and render.
Big shout out to @Michael_Mullane who built this script. I simply templated it for general use.
RX Audiosuite JP
by James Probel
A few RX Connect/Audiosuite macros
***RX for Shuttle
by Jonathan Grossman

RX Modules
by Vladimir Poterukha
This package allows you to control many of the iZotope RX modules with a Stream Deck. Creating the layouts I was thinking about the single Stream Deck setup, the second unit required only by the Spectral De-noise module (you know, it is big)
RX Zoom Like A Pro Tools("T"and"R")
by soma kosugi

Wax's iZotope RX
by Mike Wax
Izotope RX 10 standalone macros. Help navigate RX 10.