Scheps Bounce Factory
by Andrew Scheps
The Automated Solution for Bouncing Mixes

Track Data Utilities
by Chris Shaw
A set of scripts and a deck for Pro Tools to copy inserts, sends and other data from one track to others as well as some handy mono to stereo / stereo to mono track conversions. There's also scripts for removing all Plug-ins and/or Sends, and Cycling Plugin and Send windows.
V2.0.79 - bug fixes for DUal Mono to Stereo and Stereo tracks to Single Mono
V 2.0.75 - Bug fixes and preemptive updates for next version of PT
V 2.0.71 - Now supports different locations for PT "Settings... > Operation > Documentation and Settings"

Teezio's Plugin Loader
by Kitch Membery
"Teezio's Plugin Loader" was developed in collaboration with 3x Grammy Nominated Multiplatinum Recording & Mixing engineer Patrizio Pigliapoco AKA Teezio. Interface and code by Kitch Membery.

Dialog Editing iZotope
by Christian Scheuer
This package provides scripts for dialogue editing with Pro Tools and iZotope RX Advanced. Copy clips to processing tracks, send to iZotope, adjust iZotope modules, render clips and others.

by Christian Scheuer
Manage notes in your Pro Tools sessions. Store your notes in different categories, add notes in realtime, import/export from Pro Tools markers, PIX, and export to HTML/PDF, Pro Tools etc.

Melodyne Helpers
by Andrew Scheps
Two scripts to make your Melodyne workflow easier.

Pro Tools Preference Manager
by Christian Scheuer
Store and recall presets of your Pro Tools Preferences in your SoundFlow cloud account.

by Nick Leyers
The one-to-rule-them-all toolbox for controlling AudioSuite plugins.
Open, analyse, render, set in-output modes, key inputs,... => All from 1 template-script.
Deck included! And it is modifier-sensitive so it will react different by using cmd, shift or ctrl.

Insert Plugin On Next Free Slot (Intelligent)
by Chris Shaw
A script that will insert a plugin (multichannel or multi-mono) on any size track / insert channel width in the first available slot.
Can be used across mutltiple tracks with different channel widths.
No need to specify the plugin channel width, the script handles that for you.

Scheps Session Prep Helpers
by Andrew Scheps
A couple of templates to help make your session prep easier

Auto Offline Stem Bounce
by Yujiro Yonetsu
The easiest and most convenient making stem script!
This system allows you to create stems automatically. For your daily life.

CW Pro Tools Utilities
by Chad Wahlbrink
A collection of scripts to help with session prep and management. This package includes scripts for moving tracks to existing folders via search, adding tracks or updating existing groups via search, creating new tracks from track presets via search, loading track presets on selected tracks via search, setting the default output bus for the session, and so much more.

by Dustin Harris
GuideAlign: Sync clips in Pro Tools to a guide or reference track with sample accuracy, non-destructively, and without creating new files

Video Converter for Pro Tools
by Christian Scheuer
Convert any video file to DNxHD 1080p, a format that Pro Tools and other DAWs like.

Barry Weir iZotope RX 10 Kit
by Barry Weir Jr
Short Cuts and Macros for iZotope RX 10

Commit and Freeze
by Andrew Scheps
A Template Script that allows you to Commit or Freeze selected tracks up to the selected Insert

by Owen Granich-Young
Never CTRL+CLICK and drag again! SImply make your selection and send to destination track. 7 customizable Templates that have slightly different functionality.

Pro Tools AudioSuite
by Christian Scheuer
Tools for automating Pro Tools AudioSuite plugins

Strip Silence
by Mark Abrams
Strip Silence workflow created by Mark Abrams of pureMix.net and Andrew Scheps

Raphael Sepulveda Utilities
by Raphael Sepulveda
A curated collection of Pro Tools solutions.
Keywords: Pro Tools, Route, Routing, New Track, Track Preset, Markers, Memory Locations, Folders, Timebase, Group, Plugin, Pan, Panning.

Scheps Move Inserts
by Andrew Scheps

Kitch's Command Template Collection
by Kitch Membery
This package contains a series of Command Templates for use with Pro Tools.

by Christian Scheuer
Utilities for remote controlling the EuControl app

Insert & Send Cycle / Toggle / Bypass
by Chris Shaw
A collection of scripts for cycling through the inserts (plugins) and Sends of a selected track.
Includes both a Stream Deck and Surface.
1.0.8 Update: You can now set or toggle the active/inactive state of all pluins or sends on all selected tracks.
When toggling the script will toggle according to the state of the first insert on the first selected track

Barry Weir Pro Tools 2020 Folders
by Barry Weir Jr
Macros for utilizing folders in Pro Tools 2020

Clip Gain Utilities
by Steve Bissinger
Commands to increase/decrease clip gain by various amounts.

Auto Online Stem Recording
by Yujiro Yonetsu
The easiest and most convenient making stem script!
This system allows you to create stems automatically. For your daily life.

Barry Weir Pro Tools Utilities
by Barry Weir Jr
Various Pro Tools Utilities

Pro Tools & Ableton Live integration
by Christian Scheuer
Scripts for sending audio quickly back & forth between Pro Tools and Ableton Live.
The scripts maintain version numbers for exported Live clips so you can easily find the Live project for a designed sound again.

Sree - Pro Tools Editing
by Sreejesh Nair
Some custom macros I use for editing and automating repetitive tasks.