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Auto Offline Stem Bounce

Auto Offline Stem Bounce

The easiest and most convenient making stem script! This system allows you to create stems automatically. For your daily life.

If you like it, please give me a coffee break. :)

A donation might enable me to focus more on this.

I would appreciate your consideration :)

The development environment for this script is:

Mac OS 14.4.1

Pro Tools 2024.3.1

Multiple versions haven't been updated yet...

watch the video for usage instructions.

for Japan user

Have fun!

How do I get Auto Offline Stem Bounce?

Auto Offline Stem Bounce  is a package built on the SoundFlow platform. To get it, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign up as a new SoundFlow user if you don't already have an account.

  2. Install the SoundFlow app on your Mac.

  3. Open up the SoundFlow app, click the "Store" tab

  4. Locate the 'Auto Offline Stem Bounce' package by searching in the search field.

  5. Click the Install button.