Dreamcatcher VocALign Project Helpers
by Dreamcatcher Studio
Slight variation of "Vocalign Pro helpers" by Chris Winter to fit users of VocALign Project.
Toby's Vocalign Tricks
by Toby Allen
This Package allows you to open vocalign, capture the guide clip, select the same region in the track below, capture, and render. "Vocalgin Next" will go down to the next track, capture, and render. You will need to assign a trigger to these macros.
Vocalign - capture guide, dub and process
by Kat F.A.

VocAlign Pro helpers
by Chris Winter
Some scripts to help with loading and processing the VocAlign Pro audiosuite plugin in Pro Tools.
Vocalign Project - capture guide, dub and process
by Kat F.A.
VocAlign Ultra
by Gianfranco Marongiu
All main functions of VocAlign Ultra mapped for Stream Deck