Sibelius Control
by Scott Stevens
Take control of Sibelius from your phone, Stream Deck, or tablet to accelerate your workflow. Compose, orchestrate, and prepare your music FAST!

ANNA Utilities
by Styrmir Hauksson
Utilities for session prep

Automated Protools Imports
by Owen Granich-Young
Automate your Import of Audio, Video, and .AAF/.PTX/.OMF
Command Template and Tweaks of this Christian Script : https://forum.soundflow.org/-1879
AW SC Package
by Sam Choi
by Ethan Whitla
Warren David's Combo Session StreamDeck

Create New Aux Return And Route
by Mark Abrams
This package will create an Aux Return from an available send on the selected track, assign your plugin of choice, route it to the same output as the original track, and turn the volume down to -INF. Great for parallel chains and effects returns!

Defaulter Tools
by Chris Andrews
Defaulter Plugin for Pro Tools
Fire Deck
by Dylan McDougle
Mixing / editing shortcuts formatted to Kindle Fire surface
Matt Midi Pro Tools Decks
by Matt Midi
Matt Midi custom Pro Tools commands for iPad and Stream Deck

Melodyne Helpers
by Andrew Scheps
Two scripts to make your Melodyne workflow easier.
by Matt Friedman

Mitch's Color Palette Preference Manager
by Mitch Willard
Store and Recall your Colour Palette settings!!

Mitch's Commit Hardware Insert for Selected Tracks
by Mitch Willard
Here is a handy Script for the same Hardware Insert you would like to "Commit Up to This Insert..." on multiple tracks, for Mono and Stereo tracks simultaneously.

Mitch's Group Functions
by Mitch Willard
This is package to help with controlling groups within your session. From Creating Groups, Adding Tracks to an Existing Group, Toggle Groups Active State, Select all Tracks within a group, Delete Groups in Bulk.

Mizi Mix Pro Tools Assistant
by José Miziara
This package is designed to save time and reduce the tedium of repetitive tasks in Pro Tools.

Modular Mix Prep
by Dana Nielsen
The Modular Mix Prep package keeps me fast, focused, and organized when formatting client sessions for my mixing workflow.

by Nicolas Aparicio
Quickly open a Finder Folder through a popup search, which filters your projects from your predetermined Paths - in the Presets Area.

by Nicolas Aparicio
🔸I/O - Plugins/Sends Search 🔸Pan Toggle (Various) 🔸BIP Combo (Bounce in Place) 🔸Hide & Make Inactive Selected Track(s) 🔸Locators & Markers Functions 🔸 Automation Check
🔸New Time Signature 🔸Import Project Settings from Pre-Defined Session 🔸Audio Search in Logic 🔸Find Cycle Duration 🔸Remove Automation/Plugins/Sends/Settings🔸 Jump to Folder

by Nicolas Aparicio
Open a Logic Pro Session by using a popup Search. Create a Logic Pro Session on a specified location with a popup Search.
Open a Logic Pro Recent Session by using a popup search. Save your current Logic Pro Session as the Template Session by the press of a Button
Quickly do a Save As of your current session by adding a "_V2, _V3, etc."

by Nicolas Aparicio
Backup and Restore - Logic Settings, Project Settings, I/O Labels & Menu Settings (Play, Stop, Record, Midi etc.), Toolbar/Control & Display Bar/Global Tracks Settings

by Nicolas Aparicio
Hover your mouse over a Plugin/Insert - Send - Input or Output on a Track and:
- Press TAB to quickly search any P.S.I.O.
- Press Ctrl + TAB to remove any P.S.I.O. (Keep it pressed until removed)
(Be sure to add both keyboard shortcuts as triggers for this code - and for when Pro Tools is focused)

Peak Attack Studios
by Jess Davy
My personal Macros for Pro Tools and MacOS.. I use it for mixing and post production.

Pro Tools Session Management
by Christian Scheuer
Scripts to help manage storage of and navigation of Pro Tools sessions, files, directories etc.

Raphael Sepulveda Utilities
by Raphael Sepulveda
A curated collection of Pro Tools solutions.
Keywords: Pro Tools, Route, Routing, New Track, Track Preset, Markers, Memory Locations, Folders, Timebase, Group, Plugin, Pan, Panning.

Scheps Session Prep Helpers
by Andrew Scheps
A couple of templates to help make your session prep easier

Scott's Logic X Betterizer
by Scott Stevens
Mouse around and scroll through menus less. This is not comprehensive, but will hopefully save you all some clicks. Even hotkeys can start to make hands tighten up after too many repetitions. Hope this helps.

Scott's Logic X Frame Rater
by Scott Stevens
Simply press a button to set or change the frame rate of your Logic project. That's it!

Scott's Pro Tools Frame Rater
by Scott Stevens
Simply press a button to set or change the timecode rate, timecode 2 rate, or feet+frame rate of your Pro Tools project or session. That's it!

Scott's Spotter Original Timestamps
by Scott Stevens
Press a button to spot imported audio files to their original timestamp in Pro Tools with this simple macro.

splitS by apulSoft - Official package
by Thomas Gloor
Sibilance problems? Automate your use of apulSoft's splitS in Pro Tools!

Track Data Utilities
by Chris Shaw
A set of scripts and a deck for Pro Tools to copy inserts, sends and other data from one track to others as well as some handy mono to stereo / stereo to mono track conversions. There's also scripts for removing all Plug-ins and/or Sends, and Cycling Plugin and Send windows.
V2.0.79 - bug fixes for DUal Mono to Stereo and Stereo tracks to Single Mono
V 2.0.75 - Bug fixes and preemptive updates for next version of PT
V 2.0.71 - Now supports different locations for PT "Settings... > Operation > Documentation and Settings"
Track Send Utilities
by Ryan Gildea
Bulk edit the configuration of sends for your tracks.

TRAP Utilities
by Styrmir Hauksson
Utilities for session prep