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Raphael Sepulveda Utilities

Raphael Sepulveda Utilities

A curated collection of Pro Tools solutions. Keywords: Pro Tools, Route, Routing, New Track, Track Preset, Markers, Memory Locations, Folders, Timebase, Group, Plugin, Pan, Panning.

Last Updated July 5th, 2024 (see change log at bottom of page)

What's included

Move to New Folder

The new folder can inherit the color and routing of the selected tracks.

Move to Existing Folder

Tracks can inherit the color and get routed to the folder they're moved into.


Create or recall markers with the push of a button.

Set Pan

Has the ability to alternate panning of mono tracks.

Create New Track with Track Preset

Bring your favorite track presets into your session with the push of a button.

Recall Track Preset

Apply a track preset to the selected tracks.

Route Selected Tracks to Output

This one just requires the name of the output.

Add Default Plugin to First Available Insert

Instantiate either your default EQ or compressor as defined in Pro Tools.

Set Timebase of Selected Tracks

Your choice between ticks or samples.


Change Log

All commands tested on an M1 Mac Studio Ultra with Pro Tools 2024.6

v1.4.5 (Published July 5th, 2024)

RS_Recall Track Preset

  • IMPROVEMENT - Added a Reselect Tracks option to restore the original track selection after a track preset has been recalled on multiple tracks.

v1.4.4 (Published June 1st, 2024)


  • BUG FIX - Ensure Zoom Settings, Track Heights, and Track Visibility options are disabled when creating a regular marker.

v1.4.3 (Published May 23rd, 2024)

RS_Move to New Folder and RS_Move to Existing Folder

  • BUG FIX - Inherit Color could color tracks incorrectly

v1.4.2 (Published May 15th, 2024)

RS_Add Default Plugin to First Available Insert

  • BUG FIX - Issues with PT 2024.3 on macOS Sonoma


  • Renamed command from "RS_Create/Go To Temp Location" to "RS_Markers"

  • IMPROVEMENT - "Restore View" feature.

  • IMPROVEMENT - Creating a marker while there is a selection on the timeline now turns on the Zoom Settings property in the Memory Locations so that the view returns to how it was whenever the marker was created.

  • IMPROVEMENT - New Factory Presets

  • BUG FIX - Markers were being created with the "Track Visibility" on.

RS_Move to New Folder

  • IMPROVEMENT - Added Inherit routing feature

⚠️ Deprecated Commands

  • RS_Scroll to Next/Previous Folder Track

  • RS_Select Tracks in Group

  • RS_Move to New Folder (Post)

  • If you used any of these, please contact me on the forum.

v1.4.1 (Published March 9th, 2024)

RS_Recall Track Preset

  • BUG FIX - Rolled back on an implementation that ended up slowing performance in other user's systems.

v1.4.0 (Published March 9th, 2024)

SoundFlow 5.7 is now the minimum required version to run this package.

RS_Set Pan (New!)

  • Sets pan for selected tracks. Can alternate panning of mono tracks in opposite directions

RS_Move to Existing Folder

  • IMPROVEMENT - Added Inherit Color feature.

  • IMPROVEMENT - Added search feature.

  • BUG FIX - PT 2024.3 compatibility

RS_Move to New Folder

  • IMPROVEMENT - Added Inherit Color feature.

  • BUG FIX - PT 2024.3 + macOS Sonoma compatibility

RS_Recall Track Preset

  • IMPROVEMENT - Scrolling to track now only happens if none of the selected tracks are on screen.

  • BUG FIX - PT 2024.3 compatibility

RS_Create New Track with Track Preset

  • BUG FIX - PT 2024.3 and macOS Sonoma compatibility

How do I get Raphael Sepulveda Utilities?

Raphael Sepulveda Utilities  is a package built on the SoundFlow platform. To get it, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign up as a new SoundFlow user if you don't already have an account.

  2. Install the SoundFlow app on your Mac.

  3. Open up the SoundFlow app, click the "Store" tab

  4. Locate the 'Raphael Sepulveda Utilities' package by searching in the search field.

  5. Click the Install button.