by Nick Leyers
The one-to-rule-them-all toolbox for controlling AudioSuite plugins.
Open, analyse, render, set in-output modes, key inputs,... => All from 1 template-script.
Deck included! And it is modifier-sensitive so it will react different by using cmd, shift or ctrl.

Barry Weir iZotope RX 10 Kit
by Barry Weir Jr
Short Cuts and Macros for iZotope RX 10
3dB SoundFlow Package
by Katie Lau
3dB SoundFlow Package for Mark

Dialog Editing iZotope
by Christian Scheuer
This package provides scripts for dialogue editing with Pro Tools and iZotope RX Advanced. Copy clips to processing tracks, send to iZotope, adjust iZotope modules, render clips and others.
Dominic's DX Editing Template
by Dominic Castro
My dialogue editing surface template. Move clips to dx, pfx, futz, work tracks, etc. send selection to iZotope standalone - adjust spectral repair settings, process, spot and render back in PT.

DX Edit_RX 8
by Travis Handley
Macros, Scripts and Dynamic Decks using Audiosuite RX 8, Brusfri, Absentia DX.

Nick's RX
by Nick Leyers
A tool for controlling iZotope RX with decks

Peak Attack Studios
by Jess Davy
My personal Macros for Pro Tools and MacOS.. I use it for mixing and post production.

RX 8 Module Chain Roundtrip
by Owen Granich-Young
This is a Round Trip Template for the Module Chain in RX 8. It will send selected Audio File to RX 8 run the preset selected for Module Chain, send back and render.
Big shout out to @Michael_Mullane who built this script. I simply templated it for general use.

splitS by apulSoft - Official package
by Thomas Gloor
Sibilance problems? Automate your use of apulSoft's splitS in Pro Tools!

WH Audio Suite / RX Deck
by William Harp
PT RX Audio Suite and Izotope RX Audio Editor Buttons.
Each button has various functions