by Christian Scheuer
Manage notes in your Pro Tools sessions. Store your notes in different categories, add notes in realtime, import/export from Pro Tools markers, PIX, and export to HTML/PDF, Pro Tools etc.

by Dustin Harris
GuideAlign: Sync clips in Pro Tools to a guide or reference track with sample accuracy, non-destructively, and without creating new files

Pro Tools Automation
by Christian Scheuer
Meta commands to dynamically control the Pro Tools Automation Window

Pro Tools Spotting
by Christian Scheuer
Surface/App with editable button matrix for spotting in Pro Tools from iPads, Android devices.
by rien personne

AAF Helpers
by Mike Wax

by Nick Leyers
The one-to-rule-them-all toolbox for controlling AudioSuite plugins.
Open, analyse, render, set in-output modes, key inputs,... => All from 1 template-script.
Deck included! And it is modifier-sensitive so it will react different by using cmd, shift or ctrl.

Auto-Align Post
by Travis Handley

Auto-Align Post - Customizable Tracks
by Dario Ramaglia
This package contains 3 scripts (one just close the plugin after rendering) to help you speed up the entire workflow of Auto-Align Post (v1 & v2)
Automation EQ
by Samuel Henriques

Barry Weir iZotope Dialoge Match Kit
by Barry Weir Jr

Barry Weir iZotope RX 10 Kit
by Barry Weir Jr
Short Cuts and Macros for iZotope RX 10

Barry Weir iZotope RX 8 Kit
by Barry Weir Jr
Simple iZotope RX8 Macros

Barry Weir iZotope RX 8 Standalone Editor Kit
by Barry Weir Jr
Macros for iZotope RX 8 Standalone Audio Editor

Barry Weir iZotope RX 9 Kit
by Barry Weir Jr
Short Cuts and Macros for iZotope RX 9

bl : : Dialog Editing
by Benjamin Lecuyer
Additional module to 'Film Mixing Remap' layout.
BRS Edit
by Flo Steinbach
Packages to share some simple macros with my other account.

Defaulter Tools
by Chris Andrews
Defaulter Plugin for Pro Tools
by Alexander Siegl

Dialog Editing iZotope
by Christian Scheuer
This package provides scripts for dialogue editing with Pro Tools and iZotope RX Advanced. Copy clips to processing tracks, send to iZotope, adjust iZotope modules, render clips and others.
Dialogue Editing E.C.
by Etienne Carton
Package of commands that I find useful for my Dialogue Editing workflow. Many commands inspired by other users package
Dominic's DX Editing Template
by Dominic Castro
My dialogue editing surface template. Move clips to dx, pfx, futz, work tracks, etc. send selection to iZotope standalone - adjust spectral repair settings, process, spot and render back in PT.

DVS - Navigation
by Danny van Spreuwel
Jump around your session. In time, track and selection.
DX Edit Toolkit - with RX 9
by Chris Bills
This is a DX Toolkit Deck:
--Opens audiosuite plugins for dialog related plugins
--Combines RX Editor functions from the "Dialog Editing Izotope" Deck.
--Inlcudes a Fades Folder with common fade functions to easily switch betwen fade type
You can edit/add to this deck to customize to your needs.
Ethan's Pro Tools Pack
by Ethan Friedericks
Helpful scripts, presets and Decks for Dialog Editing and Stem renaming.

by Mike Wax
Convert Frames to Milliseconds for Batch Fades and adjust Batch Fade Options .

Field Recorder Dialogue Workflow
by Andreas Sandborg
This package is meant to help working with the field recorder guide track functions. It is build on the existing field recorder guide track functions.
The workflow in this pckage lets you copy a line of dialogue from the boom track to a designated character track and switches the boom with the characters lav.
This is a work in progress, and for now it's mainly uploaded to be shared with a colleague.
ideas are welcome!

Glenn PT
by Glenn Eanes
This is my general Pro Tools toolbox for Film/TV mixing and editing. I will continue adding features and improving error/edge-case handling. Some code is repurposed from forum posts, some is my own.

iZotope RX Modules Multitool
by Antoine François
Adds a layer of action when using modifier keys enabling you to fully control Rx's modules.
Actions are customizable
Kitch Membery - iZotope RX 7 Scripts
by Kitch Membery
These scripts were made with SoundFlow 3.4 for various tasks using iZotope RX 7.0.1
Mute Specific Stem
by Olivier Mortier
This package provides scripts for mute a specific stem
Nag's Small Editing Items
by Yasuhiro Nagamine
Simple and small editing items.
Create fades with clips between different tracks.
And others.

Nick's RX
by Nick Leyers
A tool for controlling iZotope RX with decks

Peltros Package
by Peltros Kronas
Names order.

by Michele Baroni
Pacchetto base POP studio, contente un deck per PT e uno per RX

Pro Tools
by Nicholas Cochran

Pro Tools AudioSuite
by Christian Scheuer
Tools for automating Pro Tools AudioSuite plugins
Pro Tools Deck Spotting
by Christian Scheuer
Spot Clip Groups in Pro Tools via a dynamic Deck.

Pro Tools + RX 9 Hajp
by John Rammelt
This is a WIP for Hajp studios. It is being worked upon. Scripts are cut/copied/pasted from various sources.
Pro Tools Temp Memory Locations
by Christian Scheuer
Scripts to create and navigate to temp markers in Pro Tools based on actual PT markers
by Earl Martin

RCS Dialogue Editing Workflow
by Carlo Scrignaro
Pro Tools Audiosuite and RX 10 decks, scripts, etc. to help make dialogue editing a much faster and fluent process
RX 7 Package
by Ugo Derouard
Patch for iZotope RX 7 Users

RX 8 Module Chain Roundtrip
by Owen Granich-Young
This is a Round Trip Template for the Module Chain in RX 8. It will send selected Audio File to RX 8 run the preset selected for Module Chain, send back and render.
Big shout out to @Michael_Mullane who built this script. I simply templated it for general use.
RX Deck
by Dylan McDougle
SD_Russell 2024
by Russell Nash
Izotope AS Workflow

TCE Plug-In Switcher
by Scott Stevens
This deck allows users to instantly select their preferred TC/E plug-in without clicking to the Processing preferences window and dropdowns. Users can instantly reset to Avid's defaults as well as quickly open the "Default Settings" dropdown.