DVS - Navigation
Jump around your session. In time, track and selection.
This package contains 2 template scripts. A deck is also included for Stream Deck.
1. Jump tracks
Select a track up or down with a predefined amount. This gives a quick navigation up or down with your keyboard. E.g. cut a clip and paste it 9 tracks below.
The "include invisible tracks" option takes the hidden tracks in account while jumping.
2. Location manager
Storing and recalling locations. 4 Locations can be used (0, 1, 2 and 3). Recalling locations can include the track, selection or both.
This macro can be usefull when copy/pasting multiple times from a source location (e.g. loc. 0) to a destination location (e.g. loc. 1).
Short keys:
Store location 0: CTRL-SHIFT-num 0
Recall location 0 (track only): OPT-num 0
Recall location 0 (selection only): CTRL-num 0
Recall location 0 (track and selection): CTRL-OPT-num 0
Feedback sound: Gives a system sound to confirm that the action has been executed.
Zoom to selection: When recalling a selection that is outside your screen boundaries you can get it into view with either the left arrow or right arrow key. When "Zoom to selection" is enabled the selction will be in view and zoomed in.
How do I get DVS - Navigation?
DVS - Navigation is a package built on the SoundFlow platform. To get it, please follow these steps:
Sign up as a new SoundFlow user if you don't already have an account.
Install the SoundFlow app on your Mac.
Open up the SoundFlow app, click the "Store" tab
Locate the 'DVS - Navigation' package by searching in the search field.
Click the Install button.