Pro Tools Track Control
by Christian Scheuer
Control Record, Input, Mute & Solo states for as many tracks as you have buttons.

Auto Offline Stem Bounce
by Yujiro Yonetsu
The easiest and most convenient making stem script!
This system allows you to create stems automatically. For your daily life.

Auto Online Stem Recording
by Yujiro Yonetsu
The easiest and most convenient making stem script!
This system allows you to create stems automatically. For your daily life.
Mute Specific Stem
by Olivier Mortier
This package provides scripts for mute a specific stem

by Nicolas Aparicio
Bounce Mix, Stems (Solo Pass) & Mute Pass - All Three at Once if Needed in any PCM format + option to add Mp3

Scott's Spotter Original Timestamps
by Scott Stevens
Press a button to spot imported audio files to their original timestamp in Pro Tools with this simple macro.
Screen Share Switching
by Clinton Jones
Allows the user to use screen sharing on a Mac to operate much more like a KVM.

tb's Stem Bouncer
by Todd Burke
This is a simple stem bouncer utilizing ProTools folders. It auto-generates file names in interesting ways and allows you to generate stems which include your buss processing. Get it going and go to lunch, it'll email when it's done.