tb's Stem Bouncer
This is a simple stem bouncer utilizing ProTools folders. It auto-generates file names in interesting ways and allows you to generate stems which include your buss processing. Get it going and go to lunch, it'll email when it's done.
I've included written instructions on a Surface for this package. I recommend you run through the process a time or two this way. Once you get the hang of it, do your thing. Or don't, I'm not the boss of you.

No, you can't cue up a whole batch of songs and run it overnight. Yes, it's made for my specific workflow and the way that I name my sessions. If you want something unbelievably robust and configurable, get the Scheps one. This is free and gets it done.
How do I get tb's Stem Bouncer?
tb's Stem Bouncer is a package built on the SoundFlow platform. To get it, please follow these steps:
Sign up as a new SoundFlow user if you don't already have an account.
Install the SoundFlow app on your Mac.
Open up the SoundFlow app, click the "Store" tab
Locate the 'tb's Stem Bouncer' package by searching in the search field.
Click the Install button.