Never CTRL+CLICK and drag again! SImply make your selection and send to destination track. 7 customizable Templates that have slightly different functionality.
AAF Organizer as Template - Define a series of tracks in the template preset, Script will then CUT and paste your audio to the first available track (with no clip already on it) starting from the top.
- **UPDATED - **Will now do Multiple tracks!
**AAF Organizer Dual Array **- Define a Mono Set and a Stereo Set of tracks and the Script will send files to appropriate arrays! Concept and code by @Joe_Constable
Two Mode Options:
**Multi-Track : **Functions like Above AAF Organizer and goes track by track sending to Mono or Stereo Arrays depending on Track Width
**Single Track - 2 Monos selected goes to Stereo : **Original Concept by @Joe_Constable - will only work on one track at a time HOWEVER if you select two mono tracks it will send it to the stereo array. Super Cool.
GlobalState AAF Org Dual Array -** **Don't feel like building out presets? No problem, use this GlobalState verison with modifers (reccomended to be on streamdeck not keyboard). Define the 2 arrays and then run script as normnal.
WARNING - If you restart Soundflow you will lose your assigned globalState Arrays
HOLD Shift to Define Mono Array
HOLD Cntrl to Define Stereo Array
HOLD Cmd to do two monos to Stereo array
This is Christians Script from here : https://forum.soundflow.org/-1551 - Converted into a template with the help of Kitch here : https://forum.soundflow.org/-5963 I've included a sample deck as well as the presets that were scripts before on the off chance somebody was actually using this as is before.
Paste to Track Variable Track Count - Will Copy or Cut selection and paste to tracks starting with designated track. - Code by @kitch - https://forum.soundflow.org/-5690#post-8
WARNING - No error check for if you have viable available tracks below - No error check on TRACK WIDTH - It will just paste as many channels as you selected into whatever it can.
**UPDATED **with Stereo to Mono Feature. I cut a lot of ADR and they come as a stereo track but I need them copied to mono tracks for editing. Now a STEREO TO MONO switch toggled to yes will supply correct track count.
**UPDATED **I have found I don't always want to return to originally selected tracks. I've now allowed user to choose if it does or not.
**UPDATED **Multiple users have reported the script working too fast and not always pasting correclty. I've added a number of 50ms Waits between steps to try and address this. There's an option on the template to turn these waits on or off. (Defaults to off).
**Paste to Track Variable Track Count - Searchable **- Same as above except destination track is not defined - User is asked destination each time the script is run.
- WARNING - No error check for if you have viable available tracks below - No error check on TRACK WIDTH - It will just paste as many channels as you selected into whatever it can.
**Track Shuffle **(Bad name what should I call it) - A tool I use when organizing ADR that will swap the location of regions vertically within a selection.
Wish it did something else? Or behaved some other specific way? Ask me in the Forum, open to ideas and suggestions.
**Vertical Clip Move - **Sometimes all you want to do is move clips up or down by a defined ammount or the original seleciton ammount. Built this because I found I needed it.
How do I get AAF ORGANIZER - COPY/CUT to Target Track?
AAF ORGANIZER - COPY/CUT to Target Track is a package built on the SoundFlow platform. To get it, please follow these steps:
Sign up as a new SoundFlow user if you don't already have an account.
Install the SoundFlow app on your Mac.
Open up the SoundFlow app, click the "Store" tab
Locate the 'AAF ORGANIZER - COPY/CUT to Target Track' package by searching in the search field.
Click the Install button.