RPD Utilities
Collection of commands and presets that I use every day. Creature comforts to take the technical out of the process as much as possible.
v2.1.14 Updates:
Request: Added field for a pre-assigned name for the aux track in Create Parallel Aux Track command.
Added check for existence of a track in the current session that conflicts with the aux track name in Create Parallel Aux Track command. (Prevents unforeseen errors during runtime)
v2.1.13 Updates:
- Significantly improved performance when adding tracks to and removing tracks from groups.
v2.1.12 Updates:
- Fixed an issue recalling saved track presets.
v2.1.9 Updates:
- Fixed an issue where an error would occur if only 2 tracks are selected in Pan Mono Tracks to Stereo command.
v2.1.6 Updates:
- Create Parallel Aux command now checks for available sends by temporarily revealing all sends on the track. Users can have only Sends A-E showing in the Edit window, and still use send numbers 6-10 (Sends F-J). This is also true for the First Free and Last Free send destinations.
v2.1.5 Updates:
- Potentially fixed an issue where the Save Track Preset dialog would not show in the Create Parallel Aux command.
v2.1.4 Updates:
- Fixed a few issues when saving track preset in Create Parallel Aux command.
v2.1.2 Updates:
Fixed an issue where an error would occur if no unused clips were selected in Delete Unused Clips command.
Added ability to use the first or last free send in Create Parallel Aux command (ignores send number when selected).
Added Collect Support Files command for reporting issues/bugs.
v2.1.0 Updates:
All commands updated through Pro Tools 2024.10. For users with supported versions of Pro Tools/SoundFlow, relevant SDK commands have been implemented.
Added command to create a new track from a track preset, both as a command template and a single search command.
v2.0.0 Updates:
All commands updated to support Pro Tools versions 2022.12 - 2024.3.
Some commands have been removed. These commands are already covered in other packages, thus providing little value, and pointless for me to support. Hopefully I've made up for this with the additions.
Added commands to set values in tempo, time signature, and key rulers at the current timeline selection.
Added template for deleting unused clips (the Delete option also dismisses the delete confirmation dialogs for each clip, and only confirms once at the beginning).
Added more commands for working with track groups.
Panning mono tracks to stereo is now a template, allowing users to set the pan value (same value used for left and right).
Create parallel aux is now a template, allowing users to determine what send slot is used on the source tracks.
Clear all automation now includes options to process selected tracks or all visible tracks.
Track Utilities
Clear All Automation
Clear Audio Track Inputs
Clear Solos
Create Parallel Track
Create Track from Preset (Template)
Create Track from Preset (Search)
Move & Route Tracks to Folder (Search)
Pan Mono Tracks to Stereo
Toggle Click Mute
Toggle Print Input Monitoring
Toggle Reference Track
- Delete Unused Clips
Select Next Available Send PostFader (Search)
Select Next Available Send PreFader (Search)
Add Selected Tracks to Group (Search)
Create New Group (and optional VCA)
Delete All Groups
Delete Group (Search)
Remove Selected Tracks from Group (Search)
Select Tracks in Group (Search)
Set Tempo at Selection
Set Time Signature at Selection
Set Key Signature at Selection
How do I get RPD Utilities?
RPD Utilities is a package built on the SoundFlow platform. To get it, please follow these steps:
Sign up as a new SoundFlow user if you don't already have an account.
Install the SoundFlow app on your Mac.
Open up the SoundFlow app, click the "Store" tab
Locate the 'RPD Utilities' package by searching in the search field.
Click the Install button.