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Sparrow MIDI Faders

Sparrow MIDI Faders

MIDI Faders to Control Pro Tools Volume and Trim Volume using the SoundFlows built-in HUI emulator.

This Package to gets the Sparrow 4x100mm MIDI Fader to work with Pro Tools using the SoundFlows built-in HUI emulator. It should also work with other MIDI Faders as well. However, as I have only tested this with my personal setup, It may or may not work for others.


> Create New Triggers for each individual Fader: + New Trigger --> MIDI Trigger.

> Record Faders to the New Triggers, making sure MIDI Channel is set to All Channels.

> The App Focus most likely should be set to Pro Tools. It could be set to "All Apps" but may experience interference if other DAWs or MIDI Devices are running.

> ccNumbers need to be changed to match the Fader CC# as recorded from Left to Right.


> Goto "Setup" --> "MIDI" --> "MIDI Input Devices..."

> Make sure "SoundFlow HUI Output" is checked, then press "OK"

> Goto "Setup" --> "Peripherals..."

> Under "MIDI Controlers" Tab

>> Set "Type" to "HUI"

>> "Receive From" --> "SoundFlow HUI Output"

>> "Send To" --> "SoundFlow HUI Input" (It's under "Predefined")

>> Press "OK"


> Cntrl + Shift Click the Track Name Box of the Track you want to control. This puts a blue box around the track and subsequent 7 tracks.

The left most fader controls the first selected track and subsequent tracks correspond to the next faders to the right.

How do I get Sparrow MIDI Faders?

Sparrow MIDI Faders  is a package built on the SoundFlow platform. To get it, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign up as a new SoundFlow user if you don't already have an account.

  2. Install the SoundFlow app on your Mac.

  3. Open up the SoundFlow app, click the "Store" tab

  4. Locate the 'Sparrow MIDI Faders' package by searching in the search field.

  5. Click the Install button.