Sree - Pro Tools Editing
Some custom macros I use for editing and automating repetitive tasks.
These are some of the editing macros we use in our studio.
Create 1 frame 1kHz Beep
This macro will select a 1 frame length at the cursor position and run the Signal Generator Audiosuite to generate a 1kHz Tone beep. The reason it has to be done this way is because Pro Tools doesnt seem to recognize holding down control when clicking the consolidate menu, as an external trigger. It only works on the keyboard.
Create Beep
This macro will select a 1 frame length at the cursor position and run the Signal Generator Audiosuite to generate a 1199 Hz tone that is an exact wave cycle in a 24fps or 250 Hz tone that is an exact wave cycle in a 25fps 1frame selection. The wave will zero cross at the end of the clip.
Delete Empty Audio Tracks
This will search your session and delete any shown active audio tracks that don't contain audio.
Delete Mute Automation
This was made from a request for OMF based workflows where sometimes the imported tracks may have mute automation. It will check selected tracks and delete the mute automation for only active and shown audio tracks leaving the rest untouched. If there is no selection of tracks, it will do this for the entire audio tracks that are active and shown in the session.
Extend and Fade Clip
This macro is often used when spotting ambience. Once spotted between the selection length, triggering this command will extend the head and the tail of the clip by 1 frame and put a fade. Very useful for Tracklaying.
Extend and Fade Head
Same as above, but extends head of the clip.
Extend and Fade Tail
Same as above but extends tail of the clip
Extend Tail of Track and Head of Top Track with 1 frame fades
Extends the head of the top track by a frame and puts a fade, and does the same with the tail of the bottom track. Very useful after edits when you want to smoothen the checker boarded ambience / effects.
Extend Head of Track and Tail of Top Track by 1 frame
Extends the Tail of the top track by a frame and puts a fade, and does the same with the head of the bottom track. Very useful after edits when you want to smoothen the checker boarded ambience / effects.
Move Clip and Mute
This is a macro that is used often when doing an AudioSuite processing. We often keep a copy of the clip on the track below or above depending on where the whole clip can be copied without overlap. The way this functions is if you have a selection, (it may include muted clips as well), this will copy them to an available track just below or above (depending on the condition that there is no overlap. If there is an overlap anywhere, this will stop). Then it will group the clips, mute them and return the selection to the original track for processing.
Save Every 60 Seconds
This macro is triggered as soon as PT is launched. It will fire a save command every 60 seconds. I made this just as a safety so that I have the latest version in case something goes wrong or PT crashes. You can set the trigger to Application Type, Pro Tools when it activates. This will cause it to run when Pro Tools is launched.
Plugin Preset Next
This will cycle to the next Plugin Preset on the open Plugin window.
Plugin Preset Previous
This will cycle to the previous Plugin Preset on the open Plugin window.
Remove Inactive Plugins and Sends
This will analyze the entire session and remove any inactive Plugins or sends or both based on the selection the user makes.
Show LFE
This macro will show the LFE automation lane.
Smooth Automation 2 Frame Length
This macro is based on the existing Automation Editing one, but for a selection length of 2 frames either side (at 48kHz Samplerate).
Volume and Pan
This command will set your volume and Pan to a predetermined value or an algorithmic value. There are 2 sets of factory presets in this. One will not write automation but will set the values and is good if you are setting starting points. The other will write automation and is good if you are in the middle of a mix. The Pan only will not write volume automation or set values in the volume, and vice versa. It does this by disabling the respective modes in the automation window and then reenabling it to the original setting once done. When you have both enabled for writing, it will do so.
There are 2 special modes here. In the volume, if you set the volume value to "ask" (without the inverted commas but in all small), it will prompt you for the volume level needed to be set. In the Pan, if you set the height to "spread", and choose a set of mono tracks, it will create a spread pan across it by an algorithm that I use for my logic. If you select a bunch of stereo tracks, it will do a triangular distribution across the front to back.
How do I get Sree - Pro Tools Editing?
Sree - Pro Tools Editing is a package built on the SoundFlow platform. To get it, please follow these steps:
Sign up as a new SoundFlow user if you don't already have an account.
Install the SoundFlow app on your Mac.
Open up the SoundFlow app, click the "Store" tab
Locate the 'Sree - Pro Tools Editing' package by searching in the search field.
Click the Install button.